SAS 9.1 Companion For Unix Enivronments


FBSTART option

ARG statement 174

FDELETE function 244

FEXIST function 244

FILE command 159, 210

copying window contents into external files 161

file descriptors 140

file locking 124, 329

file permissions

changing for SAS sessions 15

locking files 124, 329

Work data library 383

FILE statement 291

FILECLOSE= data set option 226

FILEEXIST function 245


LIBNAME statement 305

FILELOCKS system option 124, 329

filename extensions 105

FILENAME function 245

FILENAME statement 293

assigning filerefs to directories 138

assigning filerefs to external files or devices 135

assigning filerefs to pipes 141

concatenating filenames 138

sending electronic mail 143

sending output directly to printer 160

sending output to UNIX commands 159

specifying pathnames 133

filenames 103

concatenating 138

extensions for 105

regular expressions in 40

FILEREF function 246

filerefs 133

assigned by SAS 140

assigning and deassigning 135, 139, 245

assigning and deassigning, directories 138

assigning and deassigning, pipes 141

associating with files or devices 293

PRTFILE and PRINT commands with 160

reserved 141

verifying external files by 244

verifying for current SAS session 246


opening 39

fill character 211

FILL command 211

FILTERS= option

DLGOPEN command 206

DLGSAVE command 208

Find dialog box 46, 205

FINFO function 247

fixed-length records

size of 357

fixed-point values 232

binary 258

positive 233

floating-point values 234, 260

converting to/from hexadecimal 231, 257

font aliases 83

Font dialog box 206

font resources 82

FONTLIST command 212


customizing in UNIX 80

listing all available 212

specifying directory containing 330

specifying for current session 216

windowing environment fonts 80, 81, 216

Fonts dialog box 81

FONTSLOC system option 330

FOOTNOTE statement 297


on procedure output 297

FOPTNAME function 248

FOPTNUM function 249

foreground color definition 86

foreground color resources 86

foreground process 5

FORMAT= option

ARG statement 175


associating with variables 290

for binary data 198

for MODULE arguments 181

UNIX 231

forms printing 158

FORTRAN language formats 182

FTP access method 137

FULLSTIMER system option 166, 331, 376

function key definitions 34


UNIX 237
