SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II

Using Frames to Display ODS Output

With ODS, you can create a frame file to display a Table of Contents, a Table of Pages, or both. A frame file is simply a file that uses two frames: one to reference a contents file, a page file, or both and a second to display output that is selected from the table of contents or pages. To use a frame file, your browser must support HTML frames. Display 16.5 on page 497 shows a frame file that is displaying a Table of Contents.

Display 16.5: Displaying a Frame File in a Browser

To create a frame file, specify a name for the file on the ODS statement op[tion FRAME=. You must also use the options the CONTENTS= or PAGE= options, or both to provide a table to display in the left frame.

The following code creates a frame file named saleFram.html, which is created in the output location specified in the FILENAME statement.

filename odsout ' path-to-Web-server '; goptions device=gif; ods html body='sales.html' path=odsout contents='saleCon.html' frame='saleFram.html';

To use the frame file, view the frame file in the browser. When you select a link from the Table of Contents or Table of Pages, the content of the right frame changes to display the output that is the target of the selected link, but the links from the contents or pages remain accessible in the left frame.
