SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II

What is a Static Graphic?

By static graphic, we mean a graphic in the form of a GIF, JPEG, or PNG file. Whereas a user can interact with the graphics presented by the SAS graph applets and the ActiveX Control (such as by hiding nodes or zooming in on a portion on the graph), the only thing a user can do with a static graphic is to look at it because its appearance is permanently fixed once it is created. To generate a static graphic, run a SAS procedure with a GOPTIONS statement with DEVICE= specified as one of the following:

By default, GIF images are created with dimensions of 800 x 600 pixels. Use the following variants of the GIF driver to create different size GIF images:


160 — 120


260 — 195


373 — 280


570 — 430


733 — 550
