PSP Hacks: Tips & Tools for Your Mobile Gaming and Entertainment Handheld

Hack 32. Listen to Podcasts on Your PSP

Listen to Podcasts that you've subscribed to using Apple's iTunes.

Podcasting, in its simplest form, is a way of broadcasting online that combines prerecorded audio files with some kind of syndication technologyusually RSS 2.0. What this means for listeners is that they can subscribe to a podcast and automatically be notified when new episodes of the podcast are released. Programs that automate the process (podcatchers) have made obtaining and listening to podcasts extremely easy. Because of this, podcasting has taken off as one of the premier forms of online broadcasting.

If you've upgraded to Version 2.6 of the PSP firmware, you'll find that Sony has added a new podcast-savvy (sort of) ability to your PSP: RSS Channel, located alongside your Internet Browser under the Network section of your PSP. Using your browser, you can select RSS 2.0 enclosures for podcasts and subscribe to them on your PSP. The cool or bad part about this, depending on your point of view, is that RSS Channel streams the podcasts to your PSP over a live Internet connection. This is great if you are near an open wireless access point, but it eliminates the portability of podcasts, since there is no way to download the podcasts to your Memory Stick via the RSS Channel. To find out how to do that, keep reading this hack.

There are many programs you can use to obtain podcasts. The most popular podcast-specific program (known as iPodder until Apple persuaded them to change their name) is Juice Receiver (http://juicereceiver/, a free, multi-platform program that allows you to subscribe to podcasts either through a provided podcast directory or by manually typing in the address of a podcast feed. Once subscribed to a podcast, iPodder can be set to check for and download the latest episodes of a podcast. To listen to downloaded podcasts, you must open the files using a media player such as Windows Media Player or WinAMP.

This hack, however, will use iTunes, because it's slightly more convenient than Juice Receiver. You can both download and listen to podcasts from within iTunes. Furthermore, the Podcasts section of the iTunes Music Store features a large and easy to navigate podcasting directory. However, you can adapt the instructions in this hack to your podcatcher of choice.

3.13.1. Downloading Podcasts

The easiest way to obtain podcasts is via iTunes. Launch iTunes and click on Podcasts in the Source list on the left (see Figure 3-42). Near the bottom of the iTunes window, there will be text reading Podcast Directory with an arrow next to it. Click the arrow and you will be taken to the iTunes Music Store podcast directory.

What you should now see before you are a number of different podcasts that you may download. Pick a podcast you find interesting by clicking on it. You will then be presented with a list of available "episodes" for that particular podcast. In the Price column (most, if not all, of them are free) to the right, you will see a button labeled Get Episode. Click this button and the episode will be downloaded to your music library.

Figure 3-42. A view of the Podcasts section of iTunes

There are some podcasts that will not play on the PSP. Podcasts that fall into this category are enhanced podcasts and podcasts that are purchased and contain digital rights management. If you find that a podcast you really want to listen to will not play on your PSP, try burning the podcast to an audio CD from iTunes. Then, rip the podcast to your music library as an MP3, using iTunes' CD-ripping features.

3.13.2. Transferring Podcasts to Your PSP

While downloading podcasts using iTunes is pretty straightforward, getting them onto your PSP can be a little tricky. Since iTunes will only sync your music library to an iPod, it is necessary to go outside of iTunes to get the downloaded podcasts onto your PSP.

The first step is to locate where iTunes is keeping your Music Library. If you're using a Mac, launch iTunes and click iTunes Preferences. Then click the gear icon labeled Advanced. If youre using Windows, launch iTunes and select Edit Preferences, then click the Advanced tab. The first item on this page of the dialog box labeled "iTunes Music Folder Location is where you will find your music files. On a Mac, the default location is ~/Music/iTunes Music/ (in your home folder). In Windows, the default is C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music\.

Browse to the folder where your music library is located. You should see a list of folders corresponding with the names of artists in your Music Library, as well as a folder labeled Podcasts. Open this folder and the folder named after the podcast(s) you have just downloaded. In this folder should be the podcast's episode itself, named similarly to what appears in iTunes.

To transfer the podcasts [Hack #23] to your PSP, plug in your PSP to a USB port and from the PSP home screen, select Settings, then USB Connection. On a Mac, a new volume will appear on your desktop. In Windows, a new drive will be mapped under My Computer. Double-click on the volume or drive and then open the PSP folder. Inside, you should see some media folders; open the MUSIC folder.

All you need to do now is to copy the podcasts to your PSP. Simply drag and drop the podcast's episode from the folder in your music library to the MUSIC folder on your PSP. Before unplugging your PSP, make sure to eject it first. On a Mac, drag the volume on your desktop to the trash can in the dock. In Windows, right-click on the drive and select Disconnect.

Exit USB Mode on your PSP and navigate to the Music icon. Then highlight and press X on the Memory Stick icon. You should now see the podcast episode you just transferred to your PSP.

You may want to create a folder inside the MUSIC folder called "Podcasts" and instead transfer podcasts there. This will not only keep Podcasts separate from the rest of your music, but it will also allow quick access for transferring new podcasts and deleting old ones.

Jonathan Terleski
