DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Certification Exam 700 Study Guide

Question 1

The correct answer is D. In order to access a remote database from a client workstation, the database must be cataloged in the system database directory of both the client and the server, AND the server workstation must be cataloged in the client's node directory. (The entry in the node directory tells the DB2 Database Manager how to connect to the server to get access to the database stored there.)

Question 2

The correct answer is B. By default, when a database is created, three SMS tablespaces are created and assigned the names SYSCATSPACE, USERSPACE1, and TEMPSPACE1. This particular CREATE DATABASE statement overrides this default behavior and makes the USERSPACE1 tablespace a DMS tablespace; therefore, this database will have 2 SMS tablespaces and 1 DMS tablespace

Question 3

The correct answer is A. The system catalog tables are used to keep track of information like database object definitions, database object dependencies, database object privileges, column data types, and table constraints. In most cases, the complete characteristics of a database object are stored in one or more system catalog tables when the object is created. However in some cases, such as when triggers and constraints are defined, the actual SQL used to create the object is stored instead. Characteristics of views, not the SQL used to create them, are stored in the system catalog tables.

Question 4

The correct answers are A and D. Sequences, identity columns, and triggers can be used to automatically generate values for columns . The following SQL could be used to create such a trigger:


Question 5

The correct answer is C. An alias is an alternate name for a table or view; therefore, it is possible to create the alias T1 for the table TABLE1, and it is possible to create the alias T1 for the view V1. Views are used to provide a different way of looking at the data stored in one or more base tables. Schemas, on the other hand, are used to logically group data; therefore, a schema named T1 could be used to group aliases and views that reference table TABLE1 together, but it could not be used to provide access to the data stored in table TABLE1.

Question 6

The correct answer is D. When cataloging a node, the hostname is required, but the system administrator's user ID and password, the client workstation name, and the server's operating system version are not. (You must have proper authority on the client workstation in order to catalog the node, but you do not have to use the system administrator's account; you are cataloging the node on the client workstation, so you don't have to provide information about the client; and the type of operating system being used on the server can be specified, but the version of that operating system is not needed.)

Question 7

The correct answer is A. A single tablespace ”in this case tablespace USERSPACE1 ”can span many containers, but each container can only belong to one tablespace. (When a database is first created on a Windows platform, the buffer pool IBMDEFAULTBP is 250 4K pages in size; the system catalog is created automatically as part of the database creation process; and because the schemas SYSIBM, SYSCAT, SYSSTAT, and SYSFUN are reserved schemas, data objects cannot be created in them.)

Question 8

The correct answer is C. In this case, both the node and the database must be cataloged by executing the CATALOG NODE and CATALOG DATABASE commands. Answer C is the only answer that uses the correct syntax for these two commands.

Question 9

The correct answer is C. In order to connect to a local database, that database must be cataloged in the system database directory. Databases are implicitly cataloged when they are created; databases can be explicitly cataloged using the Control Center or the CATALOG DATABASE command; and because the database is local, entries do not have to be made in the node directory or the DCS directory.

Question 10

The correct answer is A. A trigger can be activated whenever an insert, update, or delete operation is performed against the subject table of the trigger.
