Finding Rows in a DataTable


You need to find a row or group of rows in a DataTable meeting certain criteria.


Choose from the three techniques shown in the sample code to locate data in the table meeting user -specified criteria.

The sample code contains two event handlers:


Sets up the sample by creating a DataTable containing the Orders table from the Northwind sample database. The default view of the table is bound to the data grid on the form.

Find Button.Click

Uses three different techniquesthe DataTable.Select( ) method, the DataTable.Rows.Find( ) method, and the DataView.RowFilter propertyto find rows in the Orders table matching the user-specified Country.

The C# code is shown in Example 3-8.

Example 3-8. File: FindDataTableRowsForm.cs

// Namespaces, variables, and constants using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; // Table name constants private const String ORDERS_TABLE = "Orders"; // Field name constants private const String ORDERID_FIELD = "OrderID"; private const String SHIPCOUNTRY_FIELD = "ShipCountry"; // . . . private void FindDataTableRowsForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Fill the Orders table. SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Orders", ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Sql_ConnectString"]); DataTable dt = new DataTable(ORDERS_TABLE); da.Fill(dt); da.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Source); // Bind the table to the grid. dataGrid.DataSource = dt.DefaultView; } private void findButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Get the table bound to the grid. DataTable dt = ((DataView)dataGrid.DataSource).Table; // Build the filter using contents of the text box. String filter = SHIPCOUNTRY_FIELD + " = '" + shipCountryTextBox.Text + "'"; // Locate the records using the Select( ) method of the DataTable. DataRow[] drc = dt.Select(filter); resultTextBox.Text = "DataTable.Select returned " + drc.Length + " record(s)." + Environment.NewLine; // Iterate over the collection of rows filtered in the previous step // and find them in the table using the Find( ) method of the // DataRowCollection for the DataTable. int findCount = 0; foreach(DataRow row in drc) { DataRow foundRow = dt.Rows.Find(row[ORDERID_FIELD]); if (foundRow != null) findCount++; } resultTextBox.Text += "DataTable.Rows.Find returned " + findCount + " record(s)." + Environment.NewLine; // Locate records using the RowFilter property of the DataView. DataView dv = new DataView(dt); dv.RowFilter = filter; resultTextBox.Text += "DataView.RowFilter returned " + dv.Count + " record(s)."; }


There are three ways to locate one or more rows in a table:

For more information about the Find( ) and FindRows( ) methods of the DataView , see Recipe 3.9.
