C.2. RPC Definitions

C.2.1 Program-Definition

C.2.1.1 Version

C.2.1.2 Procedure

C.2.2 Const-Definition

C.2.3 Enum-Definition

C.2.3.1 Enum-Value-List

C.2.3.2 Enum value

C.2.4 Typedef-Definition

C.2.4.1 Declaration [2]

[2] These are type declarations, not variable declarations (e.g., int my_number ), which are unsupported by rpcgen .

C.2.4.2 Simple Declaration

C.2.4.3 Fixed-Array Declaration

C.2.4.4 Variable-Array Declaration [3]

[3] The integer value in angle brackets indicates a maximum size or, if empty, an array of any size .

C.2.4.5 Pointer Declaration [4]

[4] Not actually an address. Technically called optional-data; often used for references to linked structures.

C.2.5 Structure-Definition

C.2.6 Union-Definition [5]

[5] In RPC, unions are closer in syntax (and spirit) to variant records in Pascal are than standard C/C++ unions.

C.2.6.1 Case-List
