Step 1.2 Install SSH Windows Clients to Access Remote Machines Securely


Problem: Many times administrators will find themselves on a Windows machine with no way to access a remote server securely since Microsoft does not yet package an SSH client.

There are a number of excellent tools available that provide SSH client connectivity from a Windows platform. A list of these tools is available at


It is possible to use Cygwin, a UNIX environment for Windows, to compile OpenSSH and run an OpenSSH server daemon. However, installing and configuring Cygwin is beyond the scope of this book and will not be discussed. Cygwin can be found at

Action 1 2 1 Download and install PuTTY for Windows

PuTTY is an open source Windows SSH and telnet client, distributed under the MIT license and maintained by Simon Tatham. The package contains all of the necessary components required to connect to a machine running the OpenSSH server and runs on all versions of Windows, starting at Windows 95.

PuTTY contains a number of components that are described below.

  1. PuTTY “ This is an SSH and telnet client that can be run through the Windows graphical user interface (GUI) or from the command line. It supports SSHv1 and SSHv2.
  2. PSCP “ This is a command line scp client.
  3. PSFTP “ This is a command line sftp client. PSFTP will only work on SSH servers that support SSHv2 since the SFTP protocol is supported only there.
  4. PuTTYtel “ This is a telnet only client.
  5. Plink “ This is a command line interface to PuTTY that can be used within scripts to create secure connections to SSH servers.
  6. Pageant “ This is an SSH authentication agent that will keep your private keys unencrypted in memory so you do not have to enter your passphrase every time you authenticate to a server.
  7. PuTTYgen “ This is a key generation utility that will create RSA1, RSA and DSA public/private key pairs.

Each of these components can function separately, although the purpose of some is to complement what the others do. For example, Pageant is used to provide automatic authentication for PuTTY, PSCP and PSFTP.

To install PuTTY onto your Windows machine, the following steps need to be taken:

Since most of PuTTY's components are command line based, it may be helpful to have them in your Windows PATH so you can execute them while at the Windows command prompt. This is done differently in each version of Windows.

For Windows XP:

To check your PATH go back to the Start Menu and click on Run . Type in cmd and Click OK .

A Windows command prompt should appear. Type "PuTTY". If your path has been set correctly, the PuTTY configuration box should appear.

To change the PATH from a Windows command prompt: the path can be set as shown below:

C:> set PATH=%PATH%;c:program filesputty

where c:program filesputty is the default directory the PuTTY programs are installed. If typed on the Windows command prompt in this manner, the command must be repeated for each new command window opened; it will not be saved for future command windows.

Action 1 2 2 Download and install WinSCP a graphical SSH file transfer tool

The file transfer tools that come with PuTTY are command line based, which can make it difficult in a Windows environment to quickly and easily transfer files. However, there are a number of graphical SSH file transfer tools referenced at windows .html. One such tool is WinSCP.

WinSCP is a freeware scp-like client maintained by Martin Prikryl and is located at It provides a Windows Explorer- or Norton Commander-type drag-and-drop interface for transferring files securely and easily from one computer to the next , using SSH.

If WinSCP is installed correctly, the WinSCP login screen shown below should display.
