- Facility controls include
Lighting For lighting used to discourage crime, the NIST standard states that the area should be illuminated at 2 feet wide by 8 feet high.
Fencing A height of 8 feet with three strands of barb wire will stop a determined intruder.
Perimeter controls include gates, guards, CCTV, turnstiles, mantraps, and alarms.
- Locks can be either:
Cipher locks Programmable
Preset locks Used on doors
Device locks Used to prevent the theft of equipment
- Facility management requires review of the facility:
Proper construction and design should give attention to walls, doors, ceilings, windows, flooring, HVAC, and fire detection and suppression.
The load of the building should be reviewed to ensure that it can support what is planned to be installed in it.
HVAC should have positive pressurization to keep contaminants and smoke out of the facility.
- The following are common power anomalies:
Blackout Prolonged loss of power
Brownout Power degradation that is low and less than normal
Sag Momentary low voltage
Fault Momentary loss of power
Spike Momentary high voltage
Surge Prolonged high voltage
Noise Interference superimposed onto the power line
Transient Noise disturbances of a short duration
Inrush Initial surge of power at startup
- Hardware-protection mechanisms and expected life controls include
SLAs Ensure that vendors will provide the necessary maintenance.
MTBF Used to calculate the expected lifetime of the device.
MTTR Used to estimate the amount of time between repairs.
- Fire-suppression methods include
Class A Paper or wood, suppressed with water or soda acid.
Class B Gasoline or oil fires, suppressed by using CO2, soda acid, or halon.
Class C Electronic or computer fires should be suppressed by using CO2 or halon.
Class D Fires caused by combustible metals, suppressed by applying dry powder or using special techniques.
- Halon, an effective fire suppressant, has been found to be an ozone-depleting substance.
Halon 1211 This type is found in portable extinguishers and is stored as a liquid.
Halon 1301 This version is used in fixed flooding systems and is stored as a gaseous agent.
- Halon fire-suppression systems can be left in place, but there are strict regulations on reporting discharges. EPA-approved replacements include FM-200, CEA-410, NAF-S-III, FE-13, argon, water, and aragonite.
- Water sprinklers are an effective means of extinguishing Class A fires. Four variations are available:
Dry pipe Maintains no standing water. It reduces the risk of accidental flooding and gives some time to cover or turn off electrical equipment.
Wet pipe Widely used and ready for activation. This system is charged and full of water.
Preaction A combination system. Pipes are initially dry and do not fill with water until a predetermined temperature is reached.
Deluge Involves a large volume of water covering a large area quickly, similar to a dry-pipe system.