Reducing the Risk of an Attack

Having the knowledge about how attackers attack and what attack tools they use, the risk and vulnerability assessor is better equipped to defend against such attacks. These attacks can be mitigated and prevented from occurring within your IT infrastructure; however, it requires a thorough understanding of how best to implement security controls and security countermeasures to mitigate the risk caused by these attacks.

The following list presents risk mitigation recommendations that an organization can deploy against the attack methods and attack tools commonly used on IT infrastructures and their assets. Note that these recommendations are not a fail-safe solution for preventing an attack, but will certainly deter an attacker because proper security controls and security countermeasures may be enough to discourage the attacker from continuing.

Reducing the risk caused by these attack methods and attack tools requires an understanding of how these attacks are conducted at the TCP/IP protocol level as well as at the services and applications level. This understanding allows the risk and vulnerability assessor to focus the assessment project on these known attack methods and attack tools and how they would attack the IT infrastructure and the assets that are being assessed. This puts the assessor in the shoes of the attacker when the assessment project is under way. By understanding the attacker, the risk and vulnerability assessor will be able to focus on the defense and security countermeasures on these known attack methods. Specific recommendations will be presented that address risk mitigation of the threats and vulnerabilities that the IT organization must face, including risk mitigation from attacks and attack tools commonly used on IT infrastructures and their assets.
