Hacker and Cracker Descriptions


Discuss malicious hackers

To understand your role as an ethical hacker, it is important to know the players. Originally, the term hacker was used for a computer enthusiast. A hacker was a person who enjoyed understanding the internal workings of a system, computer, and computer network. Over time, the popular press began to describe hackers as individuals who broke into computers with malicious intent. The industry responded by developing the word cracker, which is short for criminal hacker. The term cracker was developed to describe individuals who seek to compromise the security of a system without permission from an authorized party. With all this confusion over how to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys, the term ethical hacker was coined. An ethical hacker is an individual who performs security tests and other vulnerability assessment activities to help organizations secure their infrastructures. Sometimes ethical hackers are referred to as White Hat Hackers.

Hacker motives and intentions vary. Some hackers are strictly legitimate, whereas others routinely break the law. Let's look at some common categories:

Who Attackers Are

Ethical hackers are up against several individuals in the battle to secure the network. The following list presents some of the more commonly used terms for these attackers:

Now that you have an idea who the legitimate security professionals are up against, let's briefly discuss some of the better known crackers and hackers.

Hacker and Cracker History

The well-known hackers of today grew out of the phone phreaking activities of the 1960s. In 1969, Mark Bernay, also known as "The Midnight Skulker," wrote a computer program that allowed him to read everyone else's ID and password at the organization where he worked. Although he was eventually fired, no charges were ever filed, as computer crime was so new, there were no laws against it.

Computer innovators include

Well-known hackers and phreakers include

Although this list does not include all the hackers, crackers, and innovators of the computer field, it should give you an idea of some of the people who have made a name for themselves in this industry. Let's now talk more about ethical hackers.

Ethical Hackers
