Intersession and Interdatabase Communication from Forms

Before Oracle Developer Forms 6, in order to output a current set of records from a block, developers had to resort to one of the following methods :

The limitations of these methods are as follows :

Oracle Forms 6 facilitates intersession (interschema) and interdatabase connection from Forms using the EXEC_SQL package. EXEC_SQL is asynchronous in the sense that it is independent of pending database changes in the form.

You can use EXEC_SQL as follows:


You can simulate a FORMS PIPING mechanism to send and receive data using EXEC_SQL. Think of the error-logging using DBMS_PIPE or sending priority messages using DBMS_AQ. These applications can be implemented using a source form sending data directly to multiple user connections. A destination form can output this data by simply picking up. In fact, there is no need for a pipe or queue because no delay time is involved in transfer of the data till somebody receives it.

A time-out interval can be set to synchronize transfer of the data to the target data base or schema.



Using OPEN_FORM with the SESSION parameter specified will create a separate session using the current schema and the current database only. Of course, Forms error logging can be done using OPEN_FORM in a different session.


Similarities between DBMS_SQL and EXEC_SQL are as follows:

Differences between EXEC_SQL and DBMS_SQL are as follows:


The functions EXEC_SQL.LAST_ERROR_CODE and EXEC_SQL.LAST_ERROR_MESG return the error code and error message text of the last occurred error. This error code is different from EXEC_SQL.LAST_SQL_FUCTION_CODE.



EXEC_SQL.LAST_ERROR_CODE returns on success.


In this section, I will discuss the first of the preceding examples: outputting a current block of records to a different schema in the same database, dynamically creating the destination table.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open source connection (defaults to the primary Oracle Developer connection ”the DEFAULT_CONNECTION ). This is done by creating connection handles using EXE_SQL.OPEN_CONNECTION or EXEC_SQL.DEFAULT_CONNECTION.
  2. Open a destination connection (defaults to the current connection). You can also do this by using EXEC_SQL.OPEN_CONNECTION or EXEC_SQL.CURR_CONNECTION.
  3. Open a source cursor for the source connection. Create cursor handles for the corresponding connection handles using EXEC_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR. No parameters specified to EXEC_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR will default both the source and destination connections to the current connection.
  4. Parse the source cursors with the SQL and/or PL/SQL statements, either static or dynamic. Use EXEC_SQL.PARSE, passing the dynamically constructed SQL or PL/SQL statements.
  5. Execute the source cursor. Use EXEC_SQL.EXECUTE or EXEC_SQL.EXECUTE_AND_FETCH.
  6. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 for the destination cursor.
  7. For retrieving result sets, it is necessary to define columns , fetch in a loop, and get column values. Use EXEC_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN for defining columns, EXEC_SQL.FETCH_ROWS in a loop for fetching, and EXEC_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE for getting column values.
  8. For other SQL and/or PL/SQL operations, binding variables and retrieving OUT bind variable values are required before and after step 5. Use EXEC_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE and/or EXEC_SQL.VARIABLE_VALUE.
  9. Close the destination and source cursors. The order is important. Use EXEC_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR.
  10. Close the destination and source connections. The order is important. Use EXEC_SQL.CLOSE_CONNECTION.

Your source form contains the following elements:

You use a generic procedure BLOCK_TO_TABLE to do this, and you call this procedure in the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger of PB_SQLEXEC :

PROCEDURE BLOCK_TO_TABLE PROCEDURE block_to_table(source_block_name IN VARCHAR2, destination_table_name IN VARCHAR2, destination_connection IN VARCHAR2, retcd OUT NUMBER) IS deptno NUMBER; dname VARCHAR2(20); loc VARCHAR2(20); destination_connid EXEC_SQL.CONNTYPE; destination_cursor EXEC_SQL.CURRTYPE; ret_cd PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN destination_connid := EXEC_SQL.OPEN_CONNECTION(destination_connection); destination_cursor := ExEC_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR(destination_connid); destination_cursor := EXEC_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR(destination_connid); EXEC_SQL.PARSE(destination_connid, destination_cursor, 'CREATE TABLE 'destination_table_name'( DEPTNO NUMBER(2), DNAME VARCHAR2(14), LOC VARCHAR2(13))'); ret_cd := EXEC_SQL.EXECUTE(destination_connid, destination_cursor); EXEC_SQL.PARSE(destination_connid, destination_cursor, 'INSERT INTO 'destination_table_name '(deptno,dname,loc) VALUES (:deptno, :dname, :loc)'); GO_BLOCK(source_block_name); FIRST_RECORD; LOOP deptno := :dept.deptno; dname := :dept.dname; loc := :dept.loc; EXEC_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(destination_connid, destination_cursor, ':deptno', deptno); EXEC_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(destination_connid, destination_cursor, ':dname', dname); EXEC_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(destination_connid, destination_cursor, ':loc', loc); ret_cd := EXEC_SQL.EXECUTE(destination_connid, destination_cursor); IF :SYSTEM.LAST_RECORD = 'TRUE'THEN EXIT; ELSE NEXT_RECORD; END IF; END LOOP; EXEC_SQL.PARSE(destination_connid, destination_cursor, 'COMMIT'); ret_cd := EXEC_SQL.EXECUTE(destination_connid, destination_cursor); EXEC_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(destination_cursor); EXEC_SQL.CLOSE_CONNECTION(destination_connid); retcd := 0; EXCEPTION WHEN EXEC_SQL.PACKAGE_ERROR THEN MESSAGE('ERROR (' TO_CHAR(EXEC_SQL.LAST_ERROR_CODE(destination_connid)) '): ' EXEC_SQL.LAST_ERROR_MESG(destination_connid)); IF EXEC_SQL.IS_CONNECTED(destination_connid) THEN IF EXEC_SQL.IS_OPEN(destination_connid, destination_cursor) THEN EXEC_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(destination_connid, destination_cursor); END IF; EXEC_SQL.CLOSE_CONNECTION(destination_connid); END IF; retcd := EXEC_SQL.LAST_ERROR_CODE(destination_connid); END; WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED declare retcd number; destination_block_name VARCHAR2(100); region_name VARCHAR2(20) := 'REGION1'; begin destination_block_name := region_name'_DEPT_FROM_BLOCK'; block_to_table('DEPT',destination_block_name, 'user1/user1', retcd); IF (retcd <> 0) THEN MESSAGE('ERR: BLOCK to TABLE failed with return code'to_char(retcd)); RAISE FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE; END IF; end;


EXEC_SQL is an Oracle Forms package. Thus, the direct referencing of the package variables like EXEC_SQL.ConnType and EXEC_SQL.CursType is possible in Forms. This is in contrast to database packages, including DBMS_SQL.


Always include the following exception-handling section when using EXEC_SQL. Repeat the IF statements for each connection opened, either by default (either unspecified or using EXEC_SQL.DEFAULT_CONNECTION or EXEC_SQL.CURR_CONNECTION ) or explicitly, using EXEC_SQL.OPEN_CONNECTION :

