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So there you have some broad applications for expressions in visual effects work. Maybe you still want morea more thorough understanding of the basics, if you're a beginner, or more advice on developing your own expressions, if you're an expert.

Unfortunately, expressions is one area where the official After Effects documentation falls short. Plenty of information is there, but it's organized in such a way that you already need to know quite a bit about expressions before you can understand it.

Happily, a couple of Web sites take up the slack.

The book's disc also includes a couple of scripts (located in the Redefinery folder) that were created just for this book by Jeff Almasol, whose site,, contains many useful After Effects scripts. These are

And hold on to your hats, because the complicated stuff isn't over with yet. The next chapter deals with issues specific not only to film but to a high dynamic range pipeline, which is now part of After Effects thanks to the addition of 32-bit-per-channel compositing.

Film, HDR, and 32 Bit Compositing
