For Further Reading
To read about the Rational Unified Process (RUP), start with [Kruchten 98]. Philippe Kruchten's original paper proposing the 4+1 approach for architecture is still the best introduction to that concept [Kruchten 95]. As one might expect, Rational Software Corporation makes a wealth of information about RUP available on their Web site at
The Siemens Four Views approach is described in detail in [Hofmeister+ 00].
The C4ISR architecture framework is growing well beyond its original U.S. Department of Defense origins to become a widespread standard for federal agencies here and abroad. The DoD Web site at is a jumping-off point for learning about C4ISR.
You can download ANSI/IEEE-1471-2000 from for a price and registration. To simply read about it, a good introduction has been written by the people primarily responsible for creating it [Maier+ 01].
The seminal reference for RM-ODP is Janis Putman's "Architecting with RM-ODP" [Putman 00].
A good source of information about configuration management, is the Web site which contains links to other CM-related sites and resources.
To read about building software from commercial components, a book by that very name just happens to exist [Wallanu+ 01] and does a good job of exploring that subject's complexities and how to document systems so built.
For more information on creating hypertext documentation, you can visit the Web site of the ACM special interest group on hypertext, hypermedia, and the Web at
And finally, whither UML? As this book went to press, version 2.0 was in the works with a great deal of promise for addressing some of the shortcomings that have so far prevented it from becoming the hands-down choice for documentating architectures. You can follow the progress at