- The activities of implementation include mapping the design into code and components, unit testing, and, if necessary, updating the model.
- Client-side and server-side programmers deal with the implementation of business logic. Graphic artists provide the implementation for the look-and-feel of the user interface.
- When the enabling technology is scripted pagesJSP, ASPX, PHPeach server page maps to one scripted page file, or page component.
- Vendor/framework-specific component stereotypes make it easier to understand the component models.
- A significant amount of structural code can be mapped directly from the model; the vast majority of behavioral code must be created by the implementer.
- The implementer uses interaction diagramssequence, collaborationand activity diagrams to understand and to implement the classes' operations.
- During implementation, the number of attributes and operations defined in a class almost always increases with the introduction of helper members.