Hack 50. Combine Tables Containing Different Data

You can use UNION when you have two tables with different data that you want to combine into one. This means that you are bringing together dissimilar table structures, and you have to make them agree before you can do the UNION.

Complex UNIONs may involve some wide tables, and in such cases it is easy to mix up the columns. The following practices can help:

Let's look at an example. Suppose you need to combine a staff table (Table 7-3) with a student table (Table 7-4).

Table 7-3. The staff table

staffId email name salary
0173 stan@bos.edu Stern, Stan 99,000
0101 ali@bos.edu Aloof, Alison 30,000

Table 7-4. The student table

id fName lName gpa
1007 Peter Perfect 590
1008 Donald Dunce 220

You want the combined table to look like Table 7-5.

Table 7-5. The combined staffStudent table

id Name email salary gpa species
F0073 Stern, Stan stan@bos.edu 99,000 NULL Staff
F0101 Aloof, Alison ali@bos.edu 30,000 NULL Staff
S1007 Perfect, Peter 1007@bos.edu NULL 590 Student
S1008 Dunce, Donald 1008@bos.edu NULL 220 Student


To make this UNION work you need to concatenate strings. The SQL standard says that you should use || to do this. Unfortunately, the || operator is commonly used to mean "logical or" in other contexts and neither MySQL nor SQL Server supports this part of the SQL standard. Here's how to do it in different database systems.

7.2.1. Oracle and PostgreSQL

Oracle and PostgreSQL follow the SQL standard and use || for concatenation:

SELECT 'F' || staffId id, name name, email email, salary salary, NULL gpa, 'Staff' species FROM staff UNION SELECT 'S' || id id, lName || ', ' || fName name, id || '@bos.edu' email, NULL salary, gpa gpa, 'Student' species FROM student;


7.2.2. MySQL

In MySQL, you should use the CONCAT function:

SELECT CONCAT('F',staffId) id, name name, email email, salary salary, NULL gpa, 'Staff' species FROM staff UNION SELECT CONCAT('S',id) id, CONCAT(lName,', ',fName) name, CONCAT(id,'@bos.edu') email, NULL salary, gpa gpa, 'Student' species FROM student;


7.2.3. SQL Server and Access

The + operator is overloaded to perform concatenation in SQL Server and Access:

SELECT 'F' + staffId id, name name, email email, salary salary, NULL gpa, 'Staff' species FROM staff UNION SELECT 'S' + id id, lName + ', ' + fName name, id + '@bos.edu' email, NULL salary, gpa gpa, 'Student' species FROM student;
