I.7. Standard Template Library
This STL tutorial is organized by examples, philosophy, components and extending STL. You will find code examples using the STL components, useful explanations and helpful diagrams.
This site is helpful for people just learning about the STL. You will find an introduction to the STL and ObjectSpace STL Tool Kit examples.
This tutorial discusses all of the features of the STL.
This Linux-focused site includes an STL tutorial and examples.
The RPI STL site includes information on how STL differs from other C++ libraries and on how to compile programs that use STL. A list of STL include files, example programs that use STL, STL Container Classes, and STL Iterator Categories are available. The site also provides an STL-compatible compiler list, FTP sites for STL source code and related materials.
The Silicon Graphics Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide is a useful resource for STL information. You can download STL source code from this site, and find the latest information, design documentation and links to other STL resources.
The Byte Magazine site has a copy of an article written by one of the creators of the Standard Template Library, Alexander Stepanov, that provides information on the use of the STL in generic programming.
ANSI/ISO C++ Standard
You can purchase a copy of the C++ Standard from this site.