- A character literal's value is its integer value in the Unicode character set. Strings can include letters, digits and special characters such as +, -, *, / and $. A string in Java is an object of class String. String literals are often referred to as String objects and are written in double quotes in a program.
- string objects are immutabletheir character contents cannot be changed after they are created.
- string method length returns the number of characters in a String.
- string method charAt returns the character at a specific position.
- string method equals tests any two objects for equality. The method returns true if the contents of the Strings are equal, false otherwise. Method equals uses a lexicographical comparison for Strings.
- When primitive-type values are compared with ==, the result is true if both values are identical. When references are compared with ==, the result is true if both references refer to the same object in memory.
- Java treats all string literals with the same contents as a single String object.
- string method equalsIgnoreCase performs a case-insensitive string comparison.
- string method compareTo uses a lexicographical comparison and returns 0 if the strings it is comparing are equal, a negative number if the string compareTo is invoked on is less than the String that is passed as an argument and a positive number if the string that compareTo is invoked on is greater than the string that is passed as an argument.
- string method regionMatches compares portions of two strings for equality.
- string method startsWith determines whether a string starts with the characters specified as an argument. String method endsWith determines whether a string ends with the characters specified as an argument.
- string method indexOf locates the first occurrence of a character or a substring in a string. String method lastIndexOf locates the last occurrence of a character or a substring in a string.
- string method substring copies and returns part of an existing string object.
- string method concat concatenates two string objects and returns a new string object containing the characters from both original strings.
- string method replace returns a new string object that replaces every occurrence in a String of its first character argument with its second character argument.
- string method toUpperCase returns a new string with uppercase letters in the positions where the original string had lowercase letters. String method toLowerCase returns a new string with lowercase letters in the positions where the original string had uppercase letters.
- string method TRim returns a new string object in which all whitespace characters (e.g., spaces, newlines and tabs) have been removed from the beginning and end of a string.
- string method toCharArray returns a char array containing a copy of the string's characters.
- string class static method valueOf returns its argument converted to a string.
- Class StringBuffer provides constructors that enable StringBuffers to be initialized with no characters and an initial capacity of 16 characters, with no characters and an initial capacity specified in the integer argument, or with a copy of the characters of the String argument and an initial capacity that is the number of characters in the String argument plus 16.
- StringBuffer method length returns the number of characters currently stored in a StringBuffer. StringBuffer method capacity returns the number of characters that can be stored in a StringBuffer without allocating more memory.
- StringBuffer method ensureCapacity ensures that a StringBuffer has at least the specified capacity. StringBuffer method setLength increases or decreases the length of a StringBuffer.
- StringBuffer method charAt returns the character at the specified index. StringBuffer method setCharAt sets the character at the specified position. StringBuffer method getChars copies characters in the StringBuffer into the character array passed as an argument.
- Class StringBuffer provides overloaded append methods to add primitive-type, character array, String, Object and CharSequence values to the end of a StringBuffer. StringBuffers and the append methods are used by the Java compiler to implement the + and += concatenation operators.
- Class StringBuffer provides overloaded insert methods to insert primitive-type, character array, String, Object and CharSequence values at any position in a StringBuffer.
- Class Character provides a constructor that takes a char argument.
- Character method isDefined determines whether a character is defined in the Unicode character set. If so, the method returns trueotherwise, it returns false.
- Character method isDigit determines whether a character is a defined Unicode digit. If so, the method returns trueotherwise, it returns false.
- Character method isJavaIdentifierStart determines whether a character can be used as the first character of an identifier in Java [i.e., a letter, an underscore (_) or a dollar sign ($)]. If so, the method returns TRueotherwise, it returns false.
- Character method isJavaIdentifierPart determines whether a character can be used in an identifier in Java [i.e., a digit, a letter, an underscore (_) or a dollar sign ($)]. Character method isLetter determines whether a character is a letter. Character method isLetterOrDigit determines whether a character is a letter or a digit. In each case, if so, the method returns TRueotherwise, it returns false.
- Character method isLowerCase determines whether a character is a lowercase letter. Character method isUpperCase determines whether a character is an uppercase letter. In both cases, if so, the method returns trueotherwise, false.
- Character method toUpperCase converts a character to its uppercase equivalent. Character method toLowerCase converts a character to its lowercase equivalent.
- Character method digit converts its character argument into an integer in the number system specified by its integer argument radix. Character method forDigit converts its integer argument digit into a character in the number system specified by its integer argument radix.
- Character method charValue returns the char stored in a Character object. Character method toString returns a String representation of a Character.
- stringTokenizer's default constructor creates a StringTokenizer for its string argument that will use the default delimiter string " f", consisting of a space, a tab, a newline and a carriage return for tokenization.
- stringTokenizer method countTokens returns the number of tokens in a string to be tokenized.
- stringTokenizer method hasMoreTokens determines whether there are more tokens in the string being tokenized.
- stringTokenizer method nextToken returns a String with the next token.
- Regular expressions are sequences of characters and symbols that define a set of strings. They are useful for validating input and ensuring that data is in a particular format.
- string method matches receives a string that specifies the regular expression and matches the contents of the String object on which it is called to the regular expression. The method returns a boolean indicating whether the match succeeded.
- A character class is an escape sequence that represents a group of characters. Each character class matches a single character in the string we are attempting to match with the regular expression.
- A word character (w) is any letter (uppercase or lowercase), any digit or the underscorecharacter.
- A whitespace character (s) is a space, a tab, a carriage return, a newline or a form feed.
- A digit (d) is any numeric character.
- To match a set of characters that does not have a predefined character class, use square brackets, []. Ranges of characters can be represented by placing a dash (-) between two characters. If the first character in the brackets is "^", the expression accepts any character other than those indicated.
- When the regular expression operator "*" appears in a regular expression, the program attempts to match zero or more occurrences of the subexpression immediately preceding the "*".
- Operator "+" attempts to match one or more occurrences of the subexpression preceding it.
- The character "|" allows a match of the expression to its left or to its right.
- The parentheses () are used to group parts of the regular expression.
- The asterisk (*) and plus (+) are formally called quantifiers.
- All quantifiers affect only the subexpression immediately preceding the quantifier.
- Quantifier question mark (?) matches zero or one occurrences of the expression that it quantifies.
- A set of braces containing one number ({n}) matches exactly n occurrences of the expression it quantifies.
- Including a comma after the number enclosed in braces matches at least n occurrences of the quantified expression.
- A set of braces containing two numbers ({n, m}) matches between n and m occurrences of the expression that it qualifies.
- All of the quantifiers are greedy, which means that they will match as many occurrences as they can as long as the match is successful.
- If any of these quantifiers is followed by a question mark (?), the quantifier becomes reluctant, matching as few occurrences as possible as long as the match is successful.
- string method replaceAll replaces text in a string with new text (the second argument) wherever the original string matches a regular expression (the first argument).
- Escaping a special regular-expression character with a instructs the regular-expression matching engine to find the actual character, as opposed to what it represents in a regular expression.
- string method replaceFirst replaces the first occurrence of a pattern match. Java Strings are immutable, therefore method replaceFirst returns a new string in which the appropriate characters have been replaced.
- string method split divides a string into several substrings. The original string is broken in any location that matches a specified regular expression. Method split returns an array of strings containing the substrings between matches for the regular expression.
- Class Pattern represents a regular expression.
- Class Matcher contains both a regular-expression pattern and a CharSequence in which to search for the pattern.
- CharSequence is an interface that allows read access to a sequence of characters. Both String and StringBuffer implement interface CharSequence, so an instance of either of these classes can be used with class Matcher.
- If a regular expression will be used only once, static Pattern method matches takes a string that specifies the regular expression and a CharSequence on which to perform the match. This method returns a boolean indicating whether the search object matches the regular expression.
- If a regular expression will be used more than once, it is more efficient to use static Pattern method compile to create a specific Pattern object for that regular expression. This method receives a string representing the pattern and returns a new Pattern object.
- Pattern method matcher receives a CharSequence to search and returns a Matcher object.
- Matcher method matches performs the same task as Pattern method matches, but receives no arguments.
- Matcher method find attempts to match a piece of the search object to the search pattern. Each call to this method starts at the point where the last call ended, so multiple matches can be found.
- Matcher method lookingAt performs the same as find, except that it always starts from the beginning of the search object and will always find the first match if there is one.
- Matcher method group returns the string from the search object that matches the search pattern. The string that is returned is the one that was last matched by a call to find or lookingAt.