F.2. Editing XHTML

In this chapter, we write XHTML in its source-code form. We create XHTML documents by typing them in a text editor (e.g., Notepad, Wordpad, vi, emacs) and saving them with either an.html or an .htm file-name extension.

Good Programming Practice F 1

Assign documents file names that describe their functionality. This practice can help you identify documents faster. It also helps people who want to link to a page, by giving them an easy-to-remember name. For example, if you are writing an XHTML document that contains product information, you might want to call it products.html.

Machines running specialized software called Web servers store XHTML documents. Clients (e.g., Web browsers) request specific resources such as the XHTML documents from the Web server. For example, typing www.deitel.com/books/downloads.html into a Web browser's address field requests downloads.html from the Web server running at www.deitel.com. This document is located on the server in a directory named books. For now, we simply place the XHTML documents on our machine and open them using Internet Explorer.

F 3 First XHTML Example
