MonthCalendar Control

Many applications must perform date and time calculations. The .NET Framework provides two controls that allow an application to retrieve date and time informationthe MonthCalendar and DateTimePicker (Section 14.4) controls.

The MonthCalendar (Fig. 14.8) control displays a monthly calendar on the Form. The user can select a date from the currently displayed month, or can use the provided links to navigate to another month. When a date is selected, it is highlighted. Multiple dates can be selected by clicking dates on the calendar while holding down the Shift key. The default event for this control is DateChanged, which is generated when a new date is selected. Properties are provided that allow you to modify the appearance of the calendar, how many dates can be selected at once, and the minimum and maximum dates that may be selected. MonthCalendar properties and a common event are summarized in Fig. 14.9.

Figure 14.8. MonthCalendar control.

(This item is displayed on page 660 in the print version)

Figure 14.9. MonthCalendar properties and an event.

(This item is displayed on page 660 in the print version)

MonthCalendar properties and an event


MonthCalendar Properties


Sets which day of the week is the first displayed for each week in the calendar.


The last date that can be selected.


The maximum number of dates that can be selected at once.


The first date that can be selected.


An array of dates that will displayed in bold in the calendar.


The last of the dates selected by the user.


The dates selected by the user.


The first of the dates selected by the user.

Common MonthCalendar Event


Generated when a date is selected in the calendar.
