Case Study: Add DSP Resources to the Miami Gateway

Review Questions


What is the purpose of a DSPFarm Profile?


When is a DSP needed for an MTP?


What is the default codec complexity for a C5510 DSP?


What is the major difference in the way C549 and C5510 DSPs handle voice termination?


You need to terminate 14 G.711 calls, provide transcoding for 6 G.729a to G.711 calls, and support 5 G.711 conference sessions with up to eight participants in each conference. What is the minimum number of DSPs required?


You need to support one mixed-mode conference with up to eight participants. How should you configure the maximum sessions under the conference profile?


Describe two benefits of DSP sharing.


Your ISR 2811 has an NM-HDV with five PVDM-12s and two PVDM2-48s installed on the main board. The NM-HDV is configured for medium complexity and has one E1 voice port. There are also two E1 voice ports in HWIC slots. What is the maximum number of G.711 conferences that you can support with the extra DSPs?
