An Introduction to SQL

As its name implies, SQL is used to express a database query. SQL has facilities for defining which fields should be returned from the query, if and how the query should be filtered and sorted, and so on. Although SQL is an industry standard language, various specific versions and editions of the standard are implemented by SQL-based databases. Crystal Reports does not use just a single syntax, but rather is robust enough to handle most major SQL language derivations. The rest of this appendix walks you through the SQL Language and points out specific areas that are of concern to Crystal Reports. Although it doesn focus on a specific version of SQL, it does point out differences where appropriate.

The SELECT Statement

Even though the name implies that SQL is only about querying databases, most implementations also enable you to insert, delete, and update records inside the database. Each of these distinct actions has its own command: SELECT (query), INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Although SQL commands allow any valid SQL statement that returns records to be used, SELECT statements are generally the only statements to be used. However, there are situations in which other statements can be used in addition to a SELECT statement. One example of this is running an INSERT statement to create a record to log the fact that the report is being run. This section focuses on describing the SELECT statement from SQL.

A basic SELECT statement has the following syntax:

SELECT field-list FROM table-list

SELECT statements always begin with the word SELECT. The general convention is to capitalize all SQL keywords used in the query to make it clear which is SQL and which is a table or field name. The list of fields to include is a comma-separated list of field names, such as "Name, Age, Gender." To include all fields in the specified table(s), use an * instead of listing individual field names. If the name of a field contains a space, the field name should be surrounded by a quote character (field name). Various SQL implementations allow different quotes, but most of them support (single quote) as a quote character. The list of tables follows the same convention: They are separated by commas and are optionally enclosed in a quote. Any extra whitespace or carriage returns are usually ignored by the database. The following is a sample SQL statement using the Xtreme Sample Database:

SELECT `Customer Name`, City, Country FROM Customer

Notice that quotes were only used for the Customer Name field because it was the only field with a space in the name. However, as a general convention, quote all your field and table names to be safe. The same statement could be written like this:

SELECT Customer Name, City, Country FROM Customer

Depending on the type of database, table names can also be prefixed with the associated database name, for example, MyDatabase.MyTab
