Extending Specific Objects with Modules
Credit: Phil Tomson
You want to add instance methods from a module (or modules) to specific objects. You don't want to mix the module into the object's class, because you want certain objects to have special abilities.
Use the Object#extend method.
For example, let's say we have a mild-mannered Person class:
class Person attr_reader :name, :age, :occupation def initialize(name, age, occupation) @name, @age, @occupation = name, age, occupation end def mild_mannered? true end end
Now let's create a couple of instances of this class.
jimmy = Person.new('Jimmy Olsen', 21, 'cub reporter') clark = Person.new('Clark Kent', 35, 'reporter') jimmy.mild_mannered? # => true clark.mild_mannered? # => true
But it happens that some Person objects are not as mild-mannered as they might appear. Some of them have super powers.
module SuperPowers def fly 'Flying!' end def leap(what) "Leaping #{what} in a single bound!" end def mild_mannered? false end def superhero_name 'Superman' end end
If we use include to mix the SuperPowers module into the Person class, it will give every person super powers. Some people are bound to misuse such power. Instead, we'll use extend to give super powers only to certain people:
clark.extend(SuperPowers) clark.superhero_name # => "Superman" clark.fly # => "Flying!" clark.mild_mannered? # => false jimmy.mild_mannered? # => true
The extend method is used to mix a module's methods into an object, while include is used to mix a module's methods into a class.
The astute reader might point out that classes are actually objects in Ruby. Let us see what happens when we use extend in a class definition:
class Person extend SuperPowers end #which is equivalent to: Person.extend(SuperPowers)
What exactly are we extending here? Within the class definition, extend is being called on the Person class itself: we could have also written self.extend(SuperPowers). We're extending the Person class with the methods defined in SuperPowers. This means that the methods defined in the SuperPowers module have now become class methods of Person:
Person.superhero_name # => "Superman" Person.fly # => "Flying!"
This is not what we intended in this case. However, sometimes you do want to mix methods into a class, and Class#extend is an easy and powerful way to do it.
See Also
- Recipe 9.3, " Mixing in Class Methods," shows how to mix in class methods with include