When to Track

OK, after all the safety warnings and disclaimers, here are some scenarios when negative tracking can come in handy:

Positive tracking might be useful in these situations:

Figure 5.12. All caps serif title treatment with no tracking (example A) and reduced in size with +200 tracking (example B).

Figure 5.13. Reversed-out text with no tracking (example A) and with +25 tracking (example B).

Figure 5.14. Text block with word spaces adjusted (example A) and tracked (example B).

Tip: Adjusting Word Spacing

Here's a handy feature: The ability to adjust the word spacing across a range of characters while leaving the character spacing unaffected. Command+Option+Delete (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace) will tighten the word spaces; Command+Option+Shift-Backslash (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ Backslash) will increase the word spaces.

Controlling Widows and Orphans
