The objective of this chapter was to implement optimizations to the existing system. All required functionality that was scheduled for this iteration went through the core workflows: requirements, analysis, design, implementation, and test. The implementation was run, and initial unit testing was performed. In addition, the project planning documents were updated. The code documentation was generated. Therefore, the project is ready for the end of iteration review.
10.7.1 Review
Based on the goals set for this iteration, the following work artifacts are reviewed to decide whether the project can proceed to the next iteration.
- Requirements: Refine the requirements and system scope.
- Analysis: Analyze the requirements by describing what the system does.
- Design: Develop the design of the functionality implemented in this iteration by using UML.
- Implementation: Implement the required functionality.
- Test: Unit-test the implemented features.
All these criteria have been fulfilled, so the project can move on to the next iteration in the construction phase, when we will start the development of Online Photo Shop.