FileMaker XML Grammars
FileMaker can publish data in any of four XML "grammars." Note that the grammar names are case sensitive.
- FMPXMLRESULT This grammar is available either via Custom Web Publishing or via Export As XML. Its a complete data export grammar, but can be a bit difficult to parse or read.
- FMPDSORESULT Also a complete data export grammar, available via either CWP or export, but this grammar has been deprecated and we recommend that you do not use it.
- fmresultset This grammar was introduced with FileMaker Server 7 Advanced and is in some sense the "best" data export grammar, being rather easier to parse and read than FMPXMLRESULT. We recommend you use it where possible. It is available only via CWP using FileMaker Server Advanced, not via Export As XML.
- FMPXMLLAYOUT A specialized grammar used for extracting information about a FileMaker layout. Only available via CWP.
Following is a sample of each grammar.