The MimeWriter Module
The MimeWriter module (shown in Example 6-4) can be used to write "multipart" messages, as defined by the MIME mail standard.
Example 6-4. Using the MimeWriter Module
File: import MimeWriter # data encoders import quopri import base64 import StringIO import sys TEXT = """ here comes the image you asked for. hope it's what you expected. """ FILE = "samples/sample.jpg" file = sys.stdout # # create a mime multipart writer instance mime = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(file) mime.addheader("Mime-Version", "1.0") mime.startmultipartbody("mixed") # add a text message part = mime.nextpart() part.addheader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "quoted-printable") part.startbody("text/plain") quopri.encode(StringIO.StringIO(TEXT), file, 0) # add an image part = mime.nextpart() part.addheader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64") part.startbody("image/jpeg") base64.encode(open(FILE, "rb"), file) mime.lastpart()
The output looks something like:
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary='host.1.-852461.936831373.130.24813' --host.1.-852461.936831373.130.24813 Content-Type: text/plain Context-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable here comes the image you asked for. hope it's what you expected. --host.1.-852461.936831373.130.24813 Content-Type: image/jpeg Context-Transfer-Encoding: base64 /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8UHRof HBwgJC4nICIsIxwcKDcpLDAxNDQ0Hyc5PTgyPC4zNDL/2wBDAQkJCQwLDBgNDRgyIRwhMjIy ... 1e5vLrSYbJnEVpEgjCLx5mPU0qsVK0UaxjdNlS+1U6pfzTR8IzEhj2HrVG6m8m18xc8cIKSC tCuFyC746j/Cq2pTia4WztfmKjGBXTCmo6IUpt== --host.1.-852461.936831373.130.24813--
Example 6-5, which is a bit larger, uses a helper class that stores each subpart in the most suitable way.
Example 6-5. A Helper Class for the MimeWriter Module
import MimeWriter
import string, StringIO, sys
import re, quopri, base64
# check if string contains non-ascii characters
must_quote = re.compile("[177-377]").search
# encoders
def encode_quoted_printable(infile, outfile):
quopri.encode(infile, outfile, 0)
class Writer:
def _ _init_ _(self, file=None, blurb=None):
if file is None:
file = sys.stdout
self.file = file
self.mime = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(file)
self.mime.addheader("Mime-Version", "1.0")
file = self.mime.startmultipartbody("mixed")
if blurb:
def close(self):
"End of message"
self.mime = self.file = None
def write(self, data, mimetype="text/plain"):
"Write data from string or file to message"
# data is either an opened file or a string
if type(data) is type(""):
file = StringIO.StringIO(data)
file = data
data = None
part = self.mime.nextpart()
typ, subtyp = string.split(mimetype, "/", 1)
if typ == "text":
# text data
encoding = "quoted-printable"
encoder = lambda i, o: quopri.encode(i, o, 0)
if data and not must_quote(data):
# copy, don't encode
encoding = "7bit"
encoder = None
# binary data (image, audio, application, ...)
encoding = "base64"
encoder = base64.encode
# write part headers
if encoding:
part.addheader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", encoding)
# write part body
if encoder:
encoder(file, self.file)
elif data:
while 1:
data =
if not data:
# try it out
BLURB = "if you can read this, your mailer is not MIME-aware
mime = Writer(sys.stdout, BLURB)
# add a text message
here comes the image you asked for. hope
it's what you expected.
""", "text/plain")
# add an image
mime.write(open("samples/sample.jpg", "rb"), "image/jpeg")