The tokenize Module

The tokenize module splits a Python source file into individual tokens. It can be used for syntax highlighting or for various kinds of code-analysis tools.

In Example 13-17, we simply print the tokens.

Example 13-17. Using the tokenize Module

File: import tokenize file = open("") def handle_token(type, token, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol), line): print "%d,%d-%d,%d: %s %s" % (srow, scol, erow, ecol, tokenize.tok_name[type], repr(token)) tokenize.tokenize( file.readline, handle_token ) 1,0-1,6: NAME import 1,7-1,15: NAME okenize 1,15-1,16: NEWLINE \012 2,0-2,1: NL \012 3,0-3,4: NAME file 3,5-3,6: OP = 3,7-3,11: NAME open 3,11-3,12: OP ( 3,12-3,35: STRING "" 3,35-3,36: OP ) 3,36-3,37: NEWLINE \012 ...

Note that the tokenize function takes two callable objects: the first argument is called repeatedly to fetch new code lines, and the second argument is called for each token.
