Reduced-Voltage Signaling

A number of clock repeater chips use reduced-voltage-signaling. By reduced-voltage signaling I refer to the use of a peak-to-peak voltage swing intentionally made smaller than the V CC voltage supplied to the chips. Examples of reduced-voltage logic systems include BTL, GTL, ECL, SSTL, and LVDS logic.

One advantage of reduced-voltage clock signaling is a tremendous savings in overall system power. Another big advantage is lowered EMI due to the smaller swing.

The price you must pay for the use of reduced-voltage components is an increased susceptibility to noise. Noise may come in the form of crosstalk from the other regular-voltage logic chips on the same system. Extra spacing must be enforced between any low-voltage pcb traces and traces used by other logic families. Noise may also come in the form of environmental radiation from nearby RF sources, ESD, or EMP events.

