Using Templates as Design Libraries

Using the power of replication and the design process, you can create and maintain libraries of design elements. Using the copy-and-paste technique described earlier in this chapter, you can copy elements from a library into new or existing databases. Inheritance can be preserved or not, depending on the database or design element. To inherit design changes, both the database inheriting the design and the template must be on a server.

Because the design elements in this database can be used in many databases, great care must be taken when elements are modified. When a design element is changed, it must not break any databases that use earlier versions of the element. Therefore, rigorous testing must take place before the modification is made. Similarly, testing should take place before a new element is added to the design library. Large organizations with developers distributed in different geographic locations should have a review process in place before making any changes or additions to a commonly shared design library.

Many organizations use design libraries to provide consistency in design elements such as subforms that must be applied to every form in a database and to include such things as company logo and edit history. Other shared design elements that are useful to store in a design library are shared resources that are commonly used in applications, such as Edit, Save, and Close shared actions.
