Objective 1. Create a Presentation

In the following activities, you will create a new presentation using the AutoContent Wizard. The AutoContent Wizard is a feature that leads you step by step through the creation of a presentation by asking you questions about the presentation that you want to create. You will also create new slides and insert slides from an existing presentation.

Activity 2.1. Creating a Presentation Using the AutoContent Wizard

In this activity, you will create a presentation using the AutoContent Wizard. You will edit the content of several slides and delete several that are unnecessary to the presentation.


Start Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003. On the menu bar, click the File menu, and then click New to display the New Presentation task pane which provides five methods that you can use to start a new presentation. The table in Figure 2.2 describes each of these methods.

Figure 2.2. Methods for Starting a New Presentation



Blank presentation

A simple method in which you type your text in a blank presentation using the Outline or the Slides Pane.

From design template

A model on which a presentation is based, including graphic elements, animations, and a color schemea coordinated palette of eight colors that includes background, text, bullet, and accent colors.

From AutoContent Wizard

A feature that leads you step by step through the creation of a presentation by asking you questions about the presentation that you want to create.

From existing presentation

A presentation that already contains design and content that you want to use, which is then opened and saved with a new name.

Photo album

A presentation that contains pictures on every slide.

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In the New Presentation task pane, click From AutoContent wizard to display the AutoContent Wizard, as shown in Figure 2.3. If the Office Assistant displays asking if you would like help with this feature, click No, don provide help now.

Figure 2.3.

On the left side of the AutoContent Wizard box is a roadmap indicating the steps that you will complete in order to generate a presentation. As you proceed through the wizard, the green box moves to the next step in the process. At any time, you can click the Next or Back buttons to change the responses that you have made.


In the lower right corner, click the Next button to proceed to the Presentation type step in which you choose the type of presentation that most closely resembles the presentation that you want to create. Notice that in the center of the dialog box there are five buttons that indicate the categories into which the presentations are grouped.


Click the General button, notice the types of presentations listed for this presentation category, and then take a moment to click each of the buttons to view the types of presentations listed to the right.


When you have finished clicking each category button, click the Sales/Marketing button. In the list to the right, click Product/ Services Overview, and then in the lower right corner, click Next to display the Presentation style step. Notice that the green box moves to indicate that the Presentation style step is active.

In the Presentation style step, you can choose the output that you want to create. Recall that you can use PowerPoint to create presentations on the Web, black-and-white or color transparencies, or 35 mm slides. This will be an on-screen presentation.

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If necessary, click On-screen presentation, and then click Next to display the Presentation options step.


Click in the Presentation title box and type Moving to Mini so that this text will display on the title slide in the title placeholder. If necessary, delete any text that displays in the Footer box, and click to clear the Date last updated and Slide number check boxes so that these do not display on the slides. Compare your screen with Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4.


Click Next, and then click Finish to create the presentation.

A new presentation displays in Normal view. Depending on your system configuration, a name or other text may display in the subtitle placeholder located in the center of the slide.


On the File menu, click Save As. Navigate to the drive and directory in which you are storing your projects for this chapter, and then create a new Chapter 2 folder if you want to do so. In the File name box, type 2A_Teenagers_Firstname_Lastname and then click Save or press . Be sure to type your name in the File name box, not Firstname_Lastname. Keep the file open for the next activity.

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Activity 2.2. Modifying AutoContent Presentation Text

In this activity, you will modify the text in your presentation according to the suggestions in your AutoContent presentation.


If necessary, display the presentation Outline by moving to the View

buttons and then clicking Normal View . In the Outline/Slides pane, click the Outline tab.


Look at the status bar and notice that this presentation contains seven slides. In the vertical scroll bar, use the Next Slide button to scroll through the presentation and view each slide. On each slide, read the suggested content in the titles and text placeholders. This is one way that PowerPoint helps you to think about the information you want to include in your presentation. When you have finished reading each slide, display Slide 1.


The text Your Logo Here displays in the upper left corner of Slide 1 in the Slide pane. Click anywhere in the text Your Logo Here to activate the placeholder.

Recall that a placeholder reserves a portion of a slide and serves as a container for text, graphics, and other slide elements.


Point to the text Your Logo Here, press and hold down , and then click the left mouse button to select the text Your Logo Here.


Type El Cuero Specialty Wares and notice that Your Logo Here is deleted as you type the text. Do not be concerned if the text extends outside the boundaries of the placeholder.


If necessary, select and delete the text in the subtitle placeholder and type Marketing and the Teenage Customer to create a subtitle for the slide. Compare your slide with Figure 2.5.

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Figure 2.5.


Display Slide 2. Recall that the purpose of this presentation is to give an overview of a product or service. Thus, the content suggested for Slide 2 is a brief description of the product.


Move your pointer into the Outline pane and point to the title of Slide 2Overview. Double-click to select the word Overview or drag to select the word. Type New Teen Line to create a new title for Slide 2.


In the Outline pane on Slide 2, point to the first bullet so that the four-headed arrow displays, and then click the left mouse button to select the entire first bullet point.


With the first bullet point selected, press and hold down , and then on Slide 2, click the second bullet. Notice that all of the bulleted text on Slide 2 is selected.


On your keyboard, press . Type Mini-bags, mini-backpacks, belts and then press .

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Type the text in the outline in Figure 2.6, demoting and promoting text as necessary. Recall that on the Formatting toolbar, the Increase Indent and Decrease Indent buttons can be used to demote and promote text, respectively.

Figure 2.6.


Display Slide 5. Delete the bulleted text on this slide and type the text in Figure 2.7. Save your file.

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Figure 2.7.


Several of the slides generated by the AutoContent Wizard are not necessary in this presentation. Recall that you can delete slides using Slide Sorter View. Click Slide Sorter View to display all of the slides in the presentation.


Click Slide 4 so that a border surrounds it, indicating that it is selected. Press and hold down and then click Slide 6. Recall that this action allows you to select nonadjacent slides. Press and hold down , and then click Slide 7.


With Slides 4, 6, and 7 selected, press to remove the three selected slides.


Double-click Slide 1 to display the slide in Normal view. Alternatively, click Normal View and then display Slide 1.


On the Standard toolbar, click Save to save the changes you have made to your presentation.

Activity 2.3. Inserting Slides from an Existing Presentation

Teamwork is an important aspect of all organizations, and presentations are often shared among employees. Another employee may create several slides for a presentation that you are developing. Rather than recreating the slides, you can insert slides from an existing presentation into the current presentation.

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In this activity, you will delete a slide from your presentation and insert two slides from an existing presentation into your 2A_Teenagers presentation. The slides you insert will become the third and fourth slides in the presentation.


Display Slide 3.

To insert slides from an existing presentation into the current presentation, display the slide that will precedecome beforethe slide or slides to be inserted. The content suggested for this slide includes the features of the product. The features for the new products are contained in the presentation p02A_Content.


On the menu bar, click Insert, and then click Slides from Files. In the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Find Presentation tab, and then click the Browse button. Navigate to your student files, and then double-click the file name p02A_Content. Alternatively, you can click the file name p02A_Content and then click Open.

In the Slide Finder dialog box under Select slides, the three slides in the p02A_Content presentation display, as shown in Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8.


Under Select slides, click Slides 1, 2, and 3. Notice that each slide is selected, indicated by the border surrounding each slide.


If necessary, clear the Keep source formatting check box at the lower left corner.

Clearing this check box ensures that when you insert slides from another presentation, the formatting, design, and color of your presentation override the formatting, design, and color of the slides from which the presentation was derived.

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Click Slide 1 again and notice that the slide is no longer selected. In the lower center of the dialog box, click the Insert button.

The second and third slides of the p02A_Content presentation are inserted as the fourth and fifth slides of the 2A_Teenagers presentation.


In the displayed Slide Finder dialog box, click the Close button.


Display Slide 3. On the Edit menu, click Delete Slide to delete Slide 3.


Save the changes you have made to your presentation.

NoteInserting All Slides

To insert all of the slides from a presentation displayed in the Slide Finder dialog box, click the Insert All button.

Activity 2.4. Inserting a New Slide

You can insert a new slide into a presentation using one of four techniques. You can click the New Slide button on the Formatting toolbar, you can click New Slide on the Insert menu, you can press and press , or you can position the insertion point in the last placeholder on a slide and press and press . In this activity, you will use the New Slide button to insert a new, sixth slide.


Display Slide 5 so that you can create a new Slide 6. On the Formatting toolbar, click the New Slide button to insert a new Slide 6. Depending on your system settings, the Slide Layout task pane may display. If necessary, display the Slide Layout task pane by clicking the Format menu and then clicking Slide Layout.


Under Text Layouts, in the second row, click Title and 2-Column

Text. Close the task pane, and then Close the Outline/ Slides pane.


Click in the title placeholder and type Product Distribution Timelines


Click in the text placeholder on the left side of the slide. Type Test market in February and then press . Type Widespread distribution in early spring and then press . Demote the new bullet, type Department stores and then press . type Specialty child stores


Click in the text placeholder on the right side of the slide. Type Orders shipped out of San Diego and then press . Type Marketing campaign during Back-to-School shopping season and then click anywhere outside the slide to deselect the placeholder. Compare your slide to Figure 2.9.

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Figure 2.9.


Save the presentation.

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