Objective 3. Create and Modify Lists

Word displays lists of information in two ways. A bulleted list uses bullets, which are text symbols such as small circles or check marks, to introduce each piece of information. Numbered lists use consecutive numbers to introduce each item in a list. Use bulleted lists when the items in the list can be displayed in any order; use numbered lists for items that have definite steps, a sequence of actions, or are in chronological order.

Activity 2.13. Creating a Bulleted List


Locate the paragraph that begins Trip to Portage Glacier and click to position the insertion point at the beginning of that paragraph.



Scroll down until you can see the paragraph that begins Day in Fairbanks, hold down , and then click at the end of that paragraph. Be sure to include the paragraph mark at the end of the last paragraph.

The text between the insertion point and the point at which you performed the + click action is selected.



On the Formatting toolbar, click the Line Spacing button arrow and click 1.0 to single space the selected text. Scroll as necessary so that you can view all of the selected text on your screen.




On the Formatting toolbar, click the Bullets button . If your bulleted list is indented, on the Formating toolbar, click the Decrease Indent button one time. Click anywhere in the document to deselect the text, and then compare your screen with Figure 2.28.


Figure 2.28.

(This item is displayed on page 344 in the print version)

The selected text is changed to a bulleted list, as shown in Figure 2.28. The default bullet is a large, round, black dot. Your bullet symbols may differ, depending on which bullets were used last on your computer.




Position the insertion point in the last bulleted point, which begins Day in Fairbanks. From the Format menu, display the Paragraph dialog box, and then under Spacing, in the After box, click the up spin arrow one time to change the value in the box from 0 pt to 6 pt. Click OK.



Save your changes.


Activity 2.14. Using AutoFormat to Create a Numbered List

In the previous activity, you created a list using existing text. In this activity you will create a new list and number the items using Word's Numbering command.


Press to move to the end of the document, and then press one time.

Notice that the insertion point is indented. This paragraph retains the formatting of the previous paragraph, which is stored in the paragraph mark you just created when you pressed . Recall that formatting carries forward to a new paragraph mark unless you take specific steps to change the formatting for the newly created paragraph.



From the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options, and then click the AutoFormat As You Type tab.

AutoFormat As You Type is a Word feature that anticipates formatting based on what you type. There are several formatting options; each can be turned on or off independently of the others.




Under Apply as you type, check to see if the Automatic numbered lists check box is selected. Select it if necessary, and then compare your dialog box with Figure 2.29. Your selected check boxes may be different.


Figure 2.29.



Click OK to close the dialog box. Type 1. Honolulu and press . Alternatively, click the Numbering button on the Formatting toolbar to begin item 1 of a numbered list.

Word determines that this paragraph is the first item in a numbered list and formats the new paragraph following it accordingly. The AutoCorrect Options button displays to the left of the first list item. On the Formatting toolbar, the Numbering button is active.




Click the AutoCorrect Options button arrow , and then compare your screen with Figure 2.30.


Figure 2.30.

From the displayed list, you can remove the automatic formatting in this instance, or stop using the Automatic numbered lists option in this document. You also have the option to open the AutoCorrect dialog box.



Click the AutoCorrect Options button to close the AutoCorrect Options menu without selecting any of the commands. Type San Francisco and press .



Type San Antonio and press . Notice that after you have begun a numbered list, the numbering continues automatically.




On the Formatting toolbar, click the Numbering button to turn off automatic numbering. Alternatively, press or .

The numbering format is turned off. Both list buttonsNumbering and Bulletsact as a toggle switch; that is, clicking the button one time turns the feature on, and clicking the button again turns the feature off.


More Knowledge: Continuous Numbering in a Series of Numbered Lists

If you have a numbered list that is divided into several sections in different parts of a document, you can have Word number the items sequentially from one list to the next. Create the first list as described in this activity. When you create a second list later in the document, from the Format menu, click Bullets and Numbering. Be sure the Numbered tab is selected, and then click the Continue previous list option button. Alternatively, click the displayed AutoCorrect smart tag and click Continuous Numbering.


Compare your document with Figure 2.31, and then Save your changes.


Figure 2.31.


Activity 2.15. Formatting Lists

Each item in a list is a separate paragraph and can be formatted in the same way other paragraphs are formatted.


From the left margin area, point to the left of 1. and drag down to select the three numbered items.

The three items are selected, although the list numbers are outside the highlighted area.




From the Format menu, display the Paragraph dialog box, and then click the Indents and Spacing tab. Under Spacing, in the After box, click the down spin arrow one time to set the space after the paragraphs to 0. Click OK to close the dialog box.



On the Formatting toolbar, click the Decrease Indent button .

All of the items in the list move 0.5 inches to the left, as shown in Figure 2.32.


Figure 2.32.



On the Formatting toolbar, click the Increase Indent button .

All of the items in the list move 0.25 inches to the right. The Increase Indent button moves the items in increments of 0.25 inch and the Decrease Indent button moves items in increments of 0.05 inch.



On the Formatting toolbar, click the Increase Indent button again to return the list to its original location. Delete any unnecessary paragraph marks following the last item.



Save your document.


More Knowledge: Using Multiple Levels in a Numbered List

If your numbered list contains two levels of information, type all of the list entries using automatic numbering. When you have completed the list, select the items that are at the lower level and click the Increase Indent button. The top level will retain the 1, 2, 3 format, while the lower level will use an a, b, c format.

Activity 2.16. Customizing Bullets

You are not restricted to the bullet symbol that displays when you click the Bullets button. You can use any symbol from any font on your computer for your bullet character.


Scroll up until you can see all of the items in the bulleted list. From the margin area, use the pointer to select all five paragraphs in the list.



From the Format menu, click Bullets and Numbering, and then compare your screen with Figure 2.33.


Figure 2.33.

The Bullets and Numbering dialog box displays, displaying the most recently used bullets. Because the bullets displayed depend upon previous use at the computer at which you are seated, your screen may vary somewhat from Figure 2.33. If the default settings are active, the Reset button will be gray.




In the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, in the lower left corner, click the Reset button (if it is not gray) to reset the default bulletsif a message displays, click Yes. Near the lower right corner, click the Customize button, and then compare your screen with Figure 2.34.


Figure 2.34.

The Customize Bulleted List dialog box displays, showing the options that are available for customizing a bullet character.



Under Bullet character, click the Character command button.

A table of characters displays in the Symbol dialog box. The character that is currently used for your list is highlighted. The font name of the current bullet symbol also displays.



At the top of the dialog box, click the Font arrow, scroll as necessary, and then click Wingdings.




Use the scroll bar on the right of the dialog box to scroll down the list of Wingding characters until you reach the end. In the last row, click the check markthe fourth from the last character in the row, as shown in Figure 2.35.


Figure 2.35.



Click OK to close the Symbol dialog box. Click OK again to close the Customize Bulleted List dialog box.



From the left margin area, using the pointer, drag to select all but the last bulleted paragraphthe first four items. From the Format menu, click Paragraph, and under Spacing, in the After box, delete 0 pt and type 3 to insert some space after the selected bulleted paragraphs. Click OK.




Click anywhere in the document to deselect the list and compare your screen with Figure 2.36.


Figure 2.36.



On the Standard toolbar, click the Print Preview button to make a final check of your document. Check your Chapter Assignment Sheet or Course Syllabus or consult your instructor to determine if you are to submit your assignments on paper or electronically. To submit electronically, go to Step 12, and then follow the instructions provided by your instructor.



Close the Print Preview, and then on the Standard toolbar, click the Print button and submit your printout as directed.



From the File menu, click Close, saving any changes if prompted to do so. Close Word.



You have completed Project 2A

Project 2B Research Paper
