Adding Graphical Context with Sparklines
You want to display a small bit of statistical contexta trend or a set of percentagesin the middle of a piece of text, without breaking up the flow of the text.
Install the sparklines gem (written by Geoffrey Grosenbach)and create a sparkline: a tiny embedded graphic that can go next to a piece of text without being too intrusive. If you e creating an HTML page, the image doesn even need to have its own file: it can be embedded directly in the HTML.
This code creates a sparkline for a companys stock price, and embeds it in HTML after the companys stock symbol:
require ase64
def embedded_sparkline
This code generates HTML that renders as shown in Figure 12-5.
Figure 12-5. A stock price history sparkline
Since it has no labels, the meaning of the sparkline must be determined from context. In this case, the graphic follows a stock symbol, so you can guess that it graphs the stock price. In a different context, the sparkline for EvilCorp might be the companys reported earnings over time, or the results of a poll that tracks public opinion of the company.
Embedded sparklines won show up in Internet Explorer, but if you e using Rails you can use the sparklines_generator gem to put cross-browser sparklines in your views.
Sparklines are a way of graphically conveying information that would take lots of text to explain. They were invented by interface expert Edward Tufte, who describes them as "intense, simple, word-sized graphics." As implemented in the Ruby Sparklines library, a sparkline displays a small graph that shows a set of related numbers or a single percentage.
Sparklines are especially useful for annotating text with statistical summaries. We humans are visual creatures: when we read a text with sparklines, we come away with a better feel for the underlying numbers because we can visualize them as we read.
Sparklines are good at showing trends and making anomalies obvious. With sparklines, you can distinguish a winning sports team from a losing one at a glance, or notice an abnormally large expense report. Since neither the sparklines nor their axes are labelled, sparklines are not so good at displaying multifaceted information or absolute quantities.
Because sparklines show trends better than absolute values, its often useful to scale your data so that it takes up the entire width of the sparkline (as in the stock price examples). But if you want to compare two sparklines to each other (for instance, to compare the stock prices of two companies), you shouldn scale the data.
The Sparklines library can create several types of graph. Heres some code that annotates a politicians stump speech with small pie charts representing polling data. Only two colors are allowed in a sparklines pie chart: well choose a dark color to represent the percentage of people who agree with a statement, and a light color to represent the percentage who disagree. At a glance, the politician can see which parts of the speech are working and which need to be retooled.
agree_percentages = [ 55, 71, 44, 55, 81, 68 ] speech = %{This country faces a crisis and a crossroads. %s Our taxes are too high %s and our poodles are too well-groomed. %s Our children learn less in school %s and listen to louder music at home. %s The Internet scares me. %s} open(speech.html, w) do |f| sparklines = agree_percentages.collect do |p| embedded_sparkline do Sparklines.plot([p], :type => pie, :remain_color => pink, :share_color=>lue, :background_color=> ransparent) end end f << speech % sparklines end
The resulting HTML file renders as shown in Figure 12-6.
Figure 12-6. A speech, annotated with poll result sparklines
The result of Sparklines.plot is a binary string containing an image in PNG format. The string can be written to a PNG file on disk, or it can be encoded with the Base64 library and embedded into a web page. The total size of speech.html, with six embedded sparklines, is about six kilobytes. Unfortunately, the Internet Explorer browser doesn support the trick that lets you embed small images into a web page.
Sparklines in Rails Views
If you e using Rails, you can install the sparklines_generator gem on top of sparklines. This gem provides a controller and a helper that let you incorporate sparklines into your views, without having to worry about encoding the files or being incompatible with IE.
To add sparklines to your application, run this command to give yourself a sparklines controller:
$ ./script/generate sparklines create app/controllers/sparklines_controller.rb create app/helpers/sparklines_helper.rb
Add a require sparklines statement to your config/environment.rb file, and call helper :sparklines from any controllers in which you want to use sparklines. You can then call the sparkline_tag method from within your views.
A view that renders part of an annotated speech might look like this:
This country faces a crisis and a crossroads. <%= sparkline_tag [55, 10, 10, 20, 30], :type => "pie", :remain_color=>"pink", :share_color => "blue", :background_color => "transparent" %>
That view generates HTML that looks like this:
This country faces a crisis and a crossroads.
Instead of embedding the sparkline within the HTML page (which won work in IE), we call out to the sparklines controller, whose only purpose is to generate image files of sparklines on demand. This image is displayed like any other external image fetched through HTTP.
See Also
- The home page for the Sparklines library, which includes a tutorial on installation and use within Rails (
- The sparklines gem requires RMagick; a pure Ruby implementation with fewer features is available (
- Sparklines are described in Edward Tuftes book, Beautiful Evidence (Graphics Pr); you can see a version of the sparklines chapter from that book online (