The _ _builtin_ _ Module
This module contains built-in functions that are automatically available in all Python modules. You usually don't have to import this module; Python does that for you when necessary.
1.2.1 Calling a Function with Arguments from a Tuple or Dictionary
Python allows you to build function argument lists on the fly. Just put all the arguments in a tuple, and call the built-in apply function, as illustrated in Example 1-1.
Example 1-1. Using the apply Function
File: def function(a, b): print a, b apply(function, ("whither", "canada?")) apply(function, (1, 2 + 3)) whither canada? 1 5
To pass keyword arguments to a function, you can use a dictionary as the third argument to apply, as shown in Example 1-2.
Example 1-2. Using the apply Function to Pass Keyword Arguments
File: def function(a, b): print a, b apply(function, ("crunchy", "frog")) apply(function, ("crunchy",), {"b": "frog"}) apply(function, (), {"a": "crunchy", "b": "frog"}) crunchy frog crunchy frog crunchy frog
One common use for apply is to pass constructor arguments from a subclass on to the base class, especially if the constructor takes a lot of arguments. See Example 1-3.
Example 1-3. Using the apply Function to Call Base Class Constructors
File: class Rectangle: def _ _init_ _(self, color="white", width=10, height=10): print "create a", color, self, "sized", width, "x", height class RoundedRectangle(Rectangle): def _ _init_ _(self, **kw): apply(Rectangle._ _init_ _, (self,), kw) rect = Rectangle(color="green", height=100, width=100) rect = RoundedRectangle(color="blue", height=20) create a green sized 100 x 100 create a blue sized 10 x 20
Python 2.0 provides an alternate syntax. Instead of apply, you can use an ordinary function call, and use * to mark the tuple, and ** to mark the dictionary.
The following two statements are equivalent:
result = function(*args, **kwargs) result = apply(function, args, kwargs)
1.2.2 Loading and Reloading Modules
If you've written a Python program larger than just a few lines, you know that the import statement is used to import external modules (you can also use the from-import version). What you might not know already is that import delegates the actual work to a built-in function called _ _import_ _.
The trick is that you can call this function directly. This can be handy if you have the module name in a string variable, as in Example 1-4, which imports all modules whose names end with "-plugin":
Example 1-4. Using the _ _import_ _ Function to Load Named Modules
File: import glob, os modules = [] for module_file in glob.glob("*"): try: module_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(module_file)) module = _ _import_ _(module_name) modules.append(module) except ImportError: pass # ignore broken modules # say hello to all modules for module in modules: module.hello() example-plugin says hello
Note that the plug-in modules have hyphens. This means that you cannot import such a module using the ordinary import command, since you cannot have hyphens in Python identifiers.
Example 1-5 shows the plug-in used in Example 1-4.
Example 1-5. A Sample Plug-in
File: def hello(): print "example-plugin says hello"
Example 1-6 shows how to get a function object, given that the module and function name are strings.
Example 1-6. Using the _ _import_ _ Function to Get a Named Function
File: def getfunctionbyname(module_name, function_name): module = _ _import_ _(module_name) return getattr(module, function_name) print repr(getfunctionbyname("dumbdbm", "open"))
You can also use this function to implement lazy module loading. In Example 1-7, the string module is imported when it is first used.
Example 1-7. Using the _ _import_ _ Function to Implement Lazy Import
File: class LazyImport: def _ _init_ _(self, module_name): self.module_name = module_name self.module = None def _ _getattr_ _(self, name): if self.module is None: self.module = _ _import_ _(self.module_name) return getattr(self.module, name) string = LazyImport("string") print string.lowercase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Python provides some basic support for reloading modules that you've already imported. Example 1-8 loads the file three times.
Example 1-8. Using the reload Function
File: import hello reload(hello) reload(hello) hello again, and welcome to the show hello again, and welcome to the show hello again, and welcome to the show
reload uses the module name associated with the module object, not the variable name. Even if you've renamed the original module, reload can still find it.
Note that when you reload a module, it is recompiled, and the new module replaces the old one in the module dictionary. However, if you have created instances of classes defined in that module, those instances will still use the old implementation.
Likewise, if you've used from-import to create references to module members in other modules, those references will not be updated.
1.2.3 Looking in Namespaces
The dir function returns a list of all members of a given module, class, instance, or other type. It's probably most useful when you're working with an interactive Python interpreter, but can also come in handy in other situations. Example 1-9 shows the dir function in use.
Example 1-9. Using the dir Function
File: def dump(value): print value, "=>", dir(value) import sys dump(0) dump(1.0) dump(0.0j) # complex number dump([]) # list dump({}) # dictionary dump("string") dump(len) # function dump(sys) # module 0 => [] 1.0 => [] 0j => ['conjugate', 'imag', 'real'] [] => ['append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse', 'sort'] {} => ['clear', 'copy', 'get', 'has_key', 'items', 'keys', 'update', 'values'] string => [] => ['_ _doc_ _', '_ _name_ _', '_ _self_ _'] => ['_ _doc_ _', '_ _name_ _', '_ _stderr_ _', '_ _stdin_ _', '_ _stdout_ _', 'argv', 'builtin_module_names', 'copyright', 'dllhandle', 'exc_info', 'exc_type', 'exec_prefix', 'executable', ...
In Example 1-10, the getmember function returns all class-level attributes and methods defined by a given class.
Example 1-10. Using the dir Function to Find All Members of a Class
File: class A: def a(self): pass def b(self): pass class B(A): def c(self): pass def d(self): pass def getmembers(klass, members=None): # get a list of all class members, ordered by class if members is None: members = [] for k in klass._ _bases_ _: getmembers(k, members) for m in dir(klass): if m not in members: members.append(m) return members print getmembers(A) print getmembers(B) print getmembers(IOError) ['_ _doc_ _', '_ _module_ _', 'a', 'b'] ['_ _doc_ _', '_ _module_ _', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] ['_ _doc_ _', '_ _getitem_ _', '_ _init_ _', '_ _module_ _', '_ _str_ _']
Note that the getmembers function returns an ordered list. The earlier a name appears in the list, the higher up in the class hierarchy it's defined. If order doesn't matter, you can use a dictionary to collect the names instead of a list.
The vars function is similar, but it returns a dictionary containing the current value for each member. If you use vars without an argument, it returns a dictionary containing what's visible in the current local namespace, as shown in Example 1-11.
Example 1-11. Using the vars Function
File: book = "library2" pages = 250 scripts = 350 print "the %(book)s book contains more than %(scripts)s scripts" % vars() the library book contains more than 350 scripts
1.2.4 Checking an Object's Type
Python is a dynamically typed language, which means that a given variable can be bound to values of different types on different occasions. In the following example, the same function is called with an integer, a floating point value, and a string:
def function(value): print value function(1) function(1.0) function("one")
The type function (shown in Example 1-12) allows you to check what type a variable has. This function returns a type descriptor, which is a unique object for each type provided by the Python interpreter.
Example 1-12. Using the type Function
File: def dump(value): print type(value), value dump(1) dump(1.0) dump("one") 1 1.0 one
Each type has a single corresponding type object, which means that you can use the is operator (object identity) to do type testing (as shown in Example 1-13).
Example 1-13. Using the type Function with Filenames and File Objects
File: def load(file): if isinstance(file, type("")): file = open(file, "rb") return print len(load("samples/sample.jpg")), "bytes" print len(load(open("samples/sample.jpg", "rb"))), "bytes" 4672 bytes 4672 bytes
The callable function, shown in Example 1-14, checks if an object can be called (either directly or via apply). It returns true for functions, methods, lambda expressions, classes, and class instances that define the _ _call_ _ method.
Example 1-14. Using the callable Function
File: def dump(function): if callable(function): print function, "is callable" else: print function, "is *not* callable" class A: def method(self, value): return value class B(A): def _ _call_ _(self, value): return value a = A() b = B() dump(0) # simple objects dump("string") dump(callable) dump(dump) # function dump(A) # classes dump(B) dump(B.method) dump(a) # instances dump(b) dump(b.method) 0 is *not* callable string is *not* callable is callable is callable A is callable B is callable is callable is *not* callable is callable is callable
Note that the class objects (A and B) are both callable; if you call them, they create new objects. However, instances of class A are not callable, since that class doesn't have a _ _call_ _ method.
You'll find functions to check if an object is of any of the built-in number, sequence, or dictionary types in the operator module. However, since it's easy to create a class that implements (for example, the basic sequence methods), it's usually a bad idea to use explicit type testing on such objects.
Things get even more complicated when it comes to classes and instances. Python doesn't treat classes as types per se; instead, all classes belong to a special class type, and all class instances belong to a special instance type.
This means that you cannot use type to test if an instance belongs to a given class; all instances have the same type! To solve this, you can use the isinstance function, which checks if an object is an instance of a given class (or of a subclass to it). Example 1-15 illustrates the isinstance function.
Example 1-15. Using the isinstance Function
File: class A: pass class B: pass class C(A): pass class D(A, B): pass def dump(object): print object, "=>", if isinstance(object, A): print "A", if isinstance(object, B): print "B", if isinstance(object, C): print "C", if isinstance(object, D): print "D", print a = A() b = B() c = C() d = D() dump(a) dump(b) dump(c) dump(d) dump(0) dump("string") => A => B => A C => A B D 0 => string =>
The issubclass function is similar, but it instead checks whether a class object is the same as a given class, or is a subclass of it. The issubclass function is shown in Example 1-16.
Note that while isinstance accepts any kind of object, the issubclass function raises a TypeError exception if you use it on something that is not a class object.
Example 1-16. Using the issubclass Function
File: class A: pass class B: pass class C(A): pass class D(A, B): pass def dump(object): print object, "=>", if issubclass(object, A): print "A", if issubclass(object, B): print "B", if issubclass(object, C): print "C", if issubclass(object, D): print "D", print dump(A) dump(B) dump(C) dump(D) dump(0) dump("string") A => A B => B C => A C D => A B D 0 => Traceback (innermost last): File "", line 29, in ? File "", line 15, in dump TypeError: arguments must be classes
1.2.5 Evaluating Python Expressions
Python provides several ways to interact with the interpreter from within a program. For example, the eval function evaluates a string as if it were a Python expression. You can pass it a literal, simple expression, or use built-in functions, as shown in Example 1-17.
Example 1-17. Using the eval Function
File: def dump(expression): result = eval(expression) print expression, "=>", result, type(result) dump("1") dump("1.0") dump("'string'") dump("1.0 + 2.0") dump("'*' * 10") dump("len('world')") 1 => 1 1.0 => 1.0 'string' => string 1.0 + 2.0 => 3.0 '*' * 10 => ********** len('world') => 5
If you cannot trust the source from which you got the string, you may get into trouble using eval. For example, someone might use the built-in _ _import_ _ function to load the os module, and then remove files on your disk (as shown in Example 1-18).
Example 1-18. Using the eval Function to Execute Arbitrary Commands
File: print eval("_ _import_ _('os').getcwd()") print eval("_ _import_ _('os').remove('file')") /home/fredrik/librarybook Traceback (innermost last): File "builtin-eval-example-2", line 2, in ? File "", line 0, in ? os.error: (2, 'No such file or directory')
Note that you get an os.error exception, which means that Python actually tried to remove the file!
Luckily, there's a way around this problem. You can pass a second argument to eval, which should contain a dictionary defining the namespace in which the expression is evaluated. Let's pass in an empty namespace:
>>> print eval("_ _import_ _('os').remove('file')", {}) Traceback (innermost last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 0, in ? os.error: (2, 'No such file or directory')
Hmm. We still end up with an os.error exception.
The reason for this is that Python looks in the dictionary before it evaluates the code, and if it doesn't find a variable named _ _builtins_ _ in there (note the plural form), it adds one:
>>> namespace = {} >>> print eval("_ _import_ _('os').remove('file')", namespace) Traceback (innermost last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 0, in ? os.error: (2, 'No such file or directory') >>> namespace.keys() ['_ _builtins_ _']
If you print the contents of the namespace variable, you'll find that they contain the full set of built-in functions.
The solution to this little dilemma isn't far away: since Python doesn't add this item if it is already there, simply add a dummy item called _ _builtins_ _ to the namespace before calling eval, as shown in Example 1-19.
Example 1-19. Using the eval Function to Evaluate Arbitrary Strings Safely
File: print eval("_ _import_ _('os').getcwd()", {}) print eval("_ _import_ _('os').remove('file')", {"_ _builtins_ _": {}}) /home/fredrik/librarybook Traceback (innermost last): File "", line 2, in ? File "", line 0, in ? NameError: _ _import_ _
Note that this doesn't protect you from CPU or memory-resource attacks (for example, something like eval("'*'*1000000*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2") will most likely cause your program to run out of memory after a while).
1.2.6 Compiling and Executing Code
The eval function only works for simple expressions. To handle larger blocks of code, use the compile and exec functions (as demonstrated in Example 1-20).
Example 1-20. Using the compile Function to Check Syntax
File: NAME = "" BODY = """ prnt 'owl-stretching time' """ try: compile(BODY, NAME, "exec") except SyntaxError, v: print "syntax error:", v, "in", NAME # syntax error: invalid syntax in
When successful, the compile function returns a code object, which you can execute with the exec statement, as in Example 1-21.
Example 1-21. Compiling and Executing Compiled Code
BODY = """
print 'the ant, an introduction'
code = compile(BODY, "